After a number of months following a German Volume Training. I’ve changed the routine today. Following – and pushed by – Emma’s (Personal Trainer at Riveverbourne Club) high intense workout routine. I was a broken man by the end of the session (enough said):
- 15 min high speed/intensity at the cross trainer machine to warm up.
- 35 quads as fast as you can, but keeping the technique and posture right at all times, followed by…
- 25 press-ups also as fast as you can, without jeopardising technique and bring the body the way down, followed by…
- 15 pull-ups (assisted with elastic bands, I must add)
Repeat 2, 3 and 4 seven times without any rest, other than the ones you naturally need before fainting. The idea is to reduce the time you need to work this routine out and aim for no rest or just 10 sec rest between super sets (2 – 4).
I have to say that this simple routine has completely broken me and the sense of physical tiredness went to the very core of my body. It makes you work to muscle fatigue plus adds as strong cardio component to it. It puts simple weight training to shame.
Hated it, but loved it!