8th Kyu


Standing basics all performed in heiko dachi

  • Yoko uke, shita barai morote tsuki
  • Gedan tetsui uchu jodan ura uchi
  • Yoko tsuki
  • Chudan hiji ate, jodan ura uchi, harai uke, chudan tsuki
  • Sokuto geri perfomed in heiko dachi and zenkutsu dachi
  • Mae geri perfomed in heiko dachi and zenkutsu dachi
  • Mawashi geri perfomed in heiko dachi and zenkutsu dachi
  • Kansetsu geri heiko dachi
  • Kin geri (mae and mawashi)

Moving basics


  • Sanchin dachi, zenkutsu dachi, shiko dachi movement with:
  • jun tsuki
  • jodan, chudan, gedan uke plus tsuki
  • Sanchin dachi Chudan mae geri
  • Zenkutsu dachi Mawashi geri
  • Shiko dachi kansetsu geri
  • Zenkutsu dachi sokuto geri


  • Gekisai ichi


  • To the instructors discretion. I personally like finishing the clases with 10-15 minutes of relaxed and controlled kumite, trying to apply the kihon techniques practised during the class and  learning how to move to the sides and not just backward and forward.