The Surrey Karate Academy is run by Shihan Fernando Mahamud (5th Dan) assisted by Shidoin Brad Candy (3rd Dan) and by sensei Mark Woollard (3rd Dan).
SKA is the Honbu Dojo of the Karate-Jutsu Gakkai, mentored by Kyoshi Ben Craft (7th Dan) and JuJutsu yudansha. Ben was a number of years away from mainstream karate exploring other disciplines and we are very fortunately to have him overlooking the direction of travel of the Karate-Jutsu Gakkai.
Shihan Ben is a formidable fighter with a wealth of knowledge in martial arts, in general, and karate, in particular. Shihan Ben has joined SKA and follows the academy and has kindly accepted to become our mentor technical advisor.
Seiwakai Karate as devised by our style founder,Tasaki Hanshi, is a down to earth, functional and very hard martial karate style. In my opinion, the most complete Karate style within Goju-Ryu and out of the four styles that compose the Japanese Karate Federation: Goju-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, Wado-Ryu and Shotokan.
Surrey Karate Academy offer adult Goju based karate-jutsu classes with a focus on practical and effective techniques. With small classes we are able to tailor tuition to the individuals needs. We operate an ‘open door’ policy and anyone is welcome to come and train with us regardless of experience or background, whether on a regular or ad-hoc basis. Please contact Fernando Mahamud or Brad Candy for further details and arrange a session.
Surrey Karate Academy is affiliated to two major global organisations: IRKRS, the GKC Global, as well as the British Martial Art and Boxing Association (BMABA) and trains regularly under guidance of Hanshi Patrick McCarthy, Kyoshi Paul Enfield and Sensei Michelle Enfield.