NEKO-ASHI EDO (Movement)
a) From neko-ashi moving front leg to sanchin dachi Jodan uke chudan gyaku tsuki then forward to neko-ashi. Moving backwards, step out with the back foot and repeat combination.
b) From neko-ashi move front foot to Sanchin dachi and perform gyaku tsuki mae geri (with rear leg) and forward to neko ashi. Going backwards, step back with back foot into sanchin dachi and repeat combination.
c) From neko-ashi move front foot into Sanchin dachi and perform yoko uke shita barai (double block—chudan and gedan) and after morote tsuki (double horizontal punch) and forward to neko-ashi. Backwards move rear foot into sanchin and perform the combination and mae geri with front foot and then step back to neko-ashi.
d) From neko-ashi mae geri with front foot mawashi chudan with rear foot and forward to neko-ashi. Going backwards mae geri with front foot and step back—mawashi-geri with front foot and step down in the front. ( in the basics without neko-ashi this is performed from sanchin dachi).
a) From neko-ashi move front foot to zenkutsu dachi and perform chudan yoko uke and jodan gyaku tsuki combination and step forward to neko-ashi. Going backwards step back with back foot into zenkutsu dachi and perform the same combination and back again to neko-ashi.
b) From neko-shi mae geri with rear foot and then continue forward into zenkutsu dachi and perform jun tsuki (oi tsuki) chudan-then slide back foot up to neko-ashi. Going backwards first mae geri with front foot stepping backwards to zenkutsu dachi and then slide front foot back to neko-ashi.
c) From neko-ashi move front foot to zenkutsu dachi then front arm hiji-ate and gyaku-tsuki chudan and step forward to neko-ashi. Moving backwards step back with back foot into zenkutsu dachi and perform the combination then back to neko-ashi.
d) From neko-ashi mae geri with rear foot and step forward to zenkutsu dachi then front arm hiji-ate ura uchi harai uke and gyaku-tsuki then sliding up to neko-ashi. Moving backwards mae geri with front foot and step back into zenkutsu-dachi hiji-ate with front arm then ura uchi harai uke gyaku-tsuki and slide front leg back to neko-ashi.
e) From neko-ashi sokuto geri with front foot step down and gyaku-tsuki and step forward to neko-ashi. Moving backwards sokuto geri with front leg step backwards with same foot and gyaku-tsuki and slide front foot back to neko-ashi.
f) From neko-ashi sokuto geri with rear foot and step into zenkutsu-dachi perform gyaku-tsuki and slide back foot up to neko-ashi. Moving backwards sokuto geri with front leg step backwards with same foot and gyaku-tsuki and slide front foot back to neko-ashi.
a) From neko-ashi move front foot 45 degrees to shiko dachi performing harai otoshi uke and chudan gyaku-tsuki and step forward to neko-ashi. Moving backwards step out 45 degrees with the rear foot and perform the same combination and step back into neko-ashi.
b) From neko-ashi step forward with front foot into 90 degree (Straight line) shiko dachi and perform tetsui uchi ura uchi and after step forward to neko-ashi. Moving backwards, step back with rear foot into 90 degree shiko dachi performing the same combination. Make sure when you perform ura uchi the other hand is blocking otoshi uke and ending covering the solar plexus.
c) From neko-ashi move front foot into 45 degree shiko dachi and perform mawashi (side) hiji-ate ura uchi harai uke gyaku-tsuki combination and step forward into neko-ashi. Moving backwards step back with rear foot into 45 degrees shiko dachi performing same combination with front arm ending with gyaku-tsuki and step back into neko-ashi.
d) From neko-ashi use front foot to perform kansetsu-geri at 45 degrees and step down with front foot into 45 degree shiko dachi and perform age-tsuki ura uchi harai uke with front arm and then gyaku-tsuki and step forward into neko-ashi. Moving backwards perform 45 degree kansetsu-geri with front foot and then step back with the front foot into 45 degree shiko dachi and perform the same combination and then slide front foot back into neko-ashi.
a) From neko-ashi front foot moves (twists) into kokutsu dachi front arm performs harai uke then twist waist and perform gyaku tsuki followed by Mae geri with rear foot and step down to neko-ashi. After 4/5 forward combinations step across with the front foot and turn to face opposite direction. Repeat another 4/5 combinations back to the starting point and then turn stepping across with the front foot—into neko-ashi facing the front.
b) From neko-ashi perform kanestsu geri with front foot and step down then sokuto geri with rear foot and place it in front. Moving backwards kansetsu geri with front foot and step back then front foot sokuto geri and place it down in front.
c) From neko ash slide forward with front foot bring up the rear foot (yori ashi movement) chudan or jodan mawashi geri with front foot then place the foot down into 45 degree shiko dachi perform harai uke gyaku tsuki at the same time twisting the hips and body into zenkutsu dachi and then twist back to shiko dachi making “kamai” with the front hand then step forward to neko-ashi. Perform 4/5 of the combinations and then turn and 4/5 combinations back to the starting position. Step across with the front foot and turn to face the front.
d) From neko-ashi perform kin geri mawashi with the front foot. Place the foot down in front then mae geri with rear foot and place this foot in front. Going backwards perform kin geri mawashi with the front foot and step back then perform mae geri with the front foot and place it down in front.
For 3rd, 2nd and 1st kyu examination a minimum of a random 8 of the above should be performed. For black belt testing up to 3rd DAN I may require all kihon to be shown.
a) 3rd, 2nd, 1st kyu and 1st DAN Sanchin, Gekisai 1 or 2 and Saifa
b) 2nd DAN Sanchin, Tensho and Seiunchin
c) 3rd DAN Sanchin, Tensho and Sanseiru
d) 4th DAN (no kihon) Sanchin, Tensho and Shisochin
e) 5th DAN (no kihon) Sanchin, Tensho and Sepai
1) All those joining SEIWAKAI from another style or another Goju-ryu organisation must demonstrate all the basics and also all kata to the level for which they are being tested. This can be at a weekend seminar—not all in the test.
2) Random bunkai will be selected from any kata up to the required DAN level. The examinee must be able to demonstrate and explain these bunkai.
All testing from 3rd Kyu to 5th Dan requires 3 rounds of Goju-ryu Jiyu Kumite. (not Sports Kumite).The examinees are expected to show a good level of both blocking and countering as well as attacking techniques. If blocking is not adequate the examinee is going to be unsuccessful.