Annual Crimestoppers’ statistics

It is a sad fact that in today’s society the fear of physical violence is on the increase. And lets face it, violence, anti social behaviours, abuse, bullying and crimes in general are a sad reality of the society in which we live.

The following statistics are Crimestoppers office year-end statistics, from April 2010 until the end of March 2011, and reflect results based on anonymous information Crimestoppers has received:

April 2010 - March 2011 Statistics

April 2010 - March 2011 Statistics

Number of people arrested and charged by crime type:


BUT… this are just the ones that have been arrested and charged, there are many more which do get away with their offences. What is worse, even if they have been arrested, the damaged has already been done.

Hopefully you or your family will never be in a situation where you have to defend yourself, but if put in this position Karate could be the deciding factor. Not only does Karate give you fitness, flexibility and the physical attributes to be able to cope with a violent situation, but a calm confidence which also acts as a deterrent.


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