Yudansha and Mudansha grading at KJG2

Three candidates passed with flying colours their respective grading at our second annual Karate Jutsu Gakkai Gasshuku.

Andy has been training for over 4 years and his commitment, discipline and determination has been second to none. Pound for pound, he has been the karateka that has progressed the most in his personal journey. His 2nd level mudansha (blue belt) is more than deserved.

Andy has attended a large number of karate seminars and classes including a seiwakai annual seminar, Iain Abernethy and Andy Kidd workshop, various JJ classes at our sister dojo and friends in Staines, etc.

Brendon joined as a 1st level mudansha (brown belt) from his previous goju training in South Africa. Brendon joined SKA over two ago and without ego, has incorporated much of our KJG technology and built on top of his foundations. This has been a tough and demanding training regime at times, resulting on Brendon developing his own karate following KJG fundamentals and core principles and finding a platform to draw it out from within. Brendon’s self-belief and confidence has grown exponentially over the last 6 months and his transformation to becoming a Yudansha is well deserved.

Brad has been training continuosly for 8 years. My first and most loyal student and friend, Brad was instrumental to the birth of SKA: first as a single student for the most part of 18 months, he has attended a large number of karate seminars and classes at the OKA, Seiwakai Sunday classes, Seiwakai annual seminars, Koryu Uchinadi gasshuku, Iain Abernethy + Andy Kidd joint workshop, various JJ classes at our sister dojo and friends in Staines and many more. Brad’s commitment to Karate and martial arts is just superb.

Brad’s, Brendon’s and Andy’s grading was of the highest standards and I’m just so proud of being part of their journey and witnessed the growth in their karate journey and individual growth.


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